Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Flaming Spiders

I'm not talking about flamboyantly homosexual arachnids. There has been an invasion of tunnel spiders at my home. There are webs on every window outside, at one point there were at least ten webs around my deck, and one had been so brave to set up in the window above my kitchen sink...on the inside. Normally I am not one for killing bugs (except mosquitoes) but these spiders have gotten out of hand. They are not catching the drunk beetles that fly around the deck at night crashing into my head. They certainly are not doing  anything to lessen the number of mosquitoes draining me of blood. The only thing they are doing is multiplying. My first solution was to knock down webs that I could reach and hope they would move on. That plan failed. Each spider rebuilt a web in the same spot within an hour. Next plan was to spray the webs with water and drown the spiders. That plan failed, webs are impervious to water and the spiders move really fast to get away from the water. Finally while sitting on the deck casually playing with a lighter that we use to start the grill, it occurred to me that spider webs are flammable. (Actually, I am sure I can make anything flammable) This led me to the last and greatest plan, setting the webs on fire and hopefully catching the spider along with it. It has worked brilliantly, except for two spiders. One on the deck and the one in my kitchen. I vow that I WILL be quick enough at some point to torch the one on the deck. I will NOT set the kitchen spider on fire because Thom has asked me very sweetly to not play with fire inside the house unless it is in the fireplace.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Life with Jack

Looking back over all the posts here I can't believe I didn't see my divorce coming. Okay, maybe I did see it because I filed for it, but my old posts scream "this woman is about to run away and join the circus". No, really they do, just go and look. Alas, I am free now. My job is gone. The husband is gone. My crazy mother is gone. I have managed to rid my life of crap and it feels good. Maybe I will even start blogging again.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Disposable parts

How many body parts are disposable? It seems my body is determined to have every 'disposable' part removed. First it was a vertebrae, then a uterus, cervix, and fallopian tubes, now it is a gall bladder. In ten days I will be having another part removed. Three years, three surgeries. Each one shorter and easier than the one before, but it is getting old. Seriously, getting old. Hopefully once this is done I will feel like a human again and not have any other parts go all wonky on me. yesh.

Friday, October 1, 2010

One night, two posts

Starting October 27, 2010 I will attempt a 365 photo blog. It's true. I am caving in and will be sharing something interesting from every day of my life for one full year. I have not decided where to post this yet. Details will follow...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I can't say that out loud

yes, another list..

I love you

Sometimes I wish I had a child

I really like to be alone

Telling me I am beautiful everyday makes me think you are lying

I want to be in North Carolina (no big secret)

Road trips with my friends keep me sane

I hate you

My job bores me to death, I only stay to support my family

I have some regrets

I have more dirty little secrets than you will ever know

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I don't blog...I make lists

Summertime 2010 list....

Warrior Dash...late night chats...Durham...hiking...running...guerilla photography...El Taco Azteca...Sailor Jerry...Grad students...Austin...Ann Gonzalez...hospitals...starbucks Wednesdays...MacCracken's Fridays...standing in the middle of the road crazy...6th street...goodbye Fritz...Big Daddy's...Kieran...Dan...Jimmy...The Dungeon...New Orleans...Pigs and Peaches...Aquabats...Lords of Acid...Thrill Kill Kult...drunken swing dancing..."this means all tangled up"...FEoI...Dains Place...The Whiskey...Hooper Plantation...sweaty up on the Atl...more Durham...road tripping with my Eric..."I did not want your nuts, but would have taken them"...Gooden/Parker wedding..."of course I smoked before you picked me up"...joining the circus...zombies...Toadies...Lenny's...Pine Hill Haints...Star Bar...damn you B...Jim Bianco...tequila...plotting my escape...shared secrets...lake adventures...Madison and Willow skin my job, hate my job..HR violations...most of all, love from some the best friends I could ever hope to have

Thursday, July 22, 2010

in the near future...

Lists are what I do best so here is another one. This time it is things I am looking forward too in the last half of 2010.

New Orleans. I have driven around New Orleans at least 7 times, this time I am stopping there and staying at the Ritz Carlton. The best part is that it is FREE.

Lords of Acid and Thrill Kill Kult, together, at the Masquerade. That is sure to take me back to dancing on Wednesdays from '93-'99.

Pietasters, Social Distortion, Jim Bianco, and I don't even remember the others but there are lots.

The Herrin clan coming for a visit! I am so glad Denise married such an awesome man and made such perfect girls.

Brandy being so close to me for the next year! I am hoping to spend many days/evenings at Swift Cantrell with her and the kids.

Training for 2011 Warrior Dash. I have a goal. I will beat you and thank you for the motivation.

Carnivale in Durham. Nothing else needs to be said about that.

Finding a new job. It is time to move on. Hopefully to North Carolina, but I am open to Kentucky, Tennessee, and South Carolina as well.

Turning 36! I will be closer to 40 than 30 and I feel better than I have ever felt in my life.

Holidays with my family, with a new sister (in-law), a brother I have missed for 20 years, and of course the Rodriguez clan. If not for mom and Chief I might not be here right now, so if you like me, thank them for saving me!

love you all, let's make the last half of the year as good as the first!